The negative marker proper ( not) is a free lexical word which can be followed as its complement by a phrase or the matrix sentence determining the categorical feature of the N-projection. 否定标示not是一个自由的句法词汇,可以将任何XP用作其补语;否定标示的否定范围可以是整个句子,也可以是中心语所投射的短语。
Based on theses data and the previous studies this research is to take analyses into reiteration through contrastive analysis, statistical analysis of lexical frequency, matrix analysis of reiteration and visiting talk. 在这些语料的基础上,结合前人的研究成果,本文采用对比分析法、词频统计法、复现矩阵分析法和访谈法进行对复现手段的分析。